simply coz i got annoyed by everything around me having the -licious!
well.. at least b'coz of this one; i actually revamp my whole bloggie!
Voguelicious- Singapore's Male Pussycat Dolls

I dont have issues with them simply coz i find them entertaining.
And in this context, we screw the ethical/homophobe and all the goose-bumps for the sake of pure entertainment! Come, on.. We have too many people hating each other now.. where is the love people? :)
anyways, after giving it some thought, i decided to dismiss that url and change it to something that i hear almost everyday! I mean.. each time i make some sorta remark, i'd just be hearing the ever-so-famous "That is just so you!" hah! and.. taadaa.. this is the story of how came about!
Yipee.. I just had my moral education presentation.. Man.. I'm done with one of my module ALREADY?
4 more modules to go and I'm off to Queensland!
Come to think of it..
How will i cope with the lecture/tutorial system there?
Will I have any friends there? (I know i'm gonna miss my friends here!)
Hah.. will i get to study under the shady tree in the park?
If you do it here in Sg, people either think you're a bio doing fieldwork or you're just plain crazy!
On the surface, it sounds like FUN FUN FUN which is what i initially thought so, but i'd probably need to take extra modules in my year 3 since my curriculum studies may not match that to The Singapore Context, So i'd probably just take Linguistics courses when I'm in UQ. Going up and down Foundation Programme Office has been really frustrating, having to meet so many course coordinators to match my modules, whoa.. it comes with a lot of hard work too! And just when i thought, it's all settled, I'd just receive an email and I have to start doing all the administrative work all over again.
But hey, I aint complaining coz this was something I initiated, I want out of my own will. So, i just gotta bear with it till Feb 2009 where my school terms starts.
It's the fasting month so Amore's suspended! boo-hoo..
Actually,that is the reason why i dont blog as often! Too tired, I guess.
It's really GREAT to be back into some physical activity which does not just include climbing the stairs! lol.
It also makes me have some me-alone time, which is what i really need!
Since my last two major hiccups, (recalling: Fainting after Cross-Country at MacRitchie in 03 and asthma attack in YJ after my 2.4 in 05') I have ditched my running shoes and brightly coloured sports bra, swearing never to be caught dead in any of em'.
But now, I wanna set a goal for myself : Enter The Shape Run 2009 or any of those Run, not to win but to participate. I mean, it will just mean alot to me, what more if My Best Friends and girlfriends can gladly join me *hint hint* :)
Anyways, a couple of Saturdays back i attended a friend's 21st birthday party at Swiss Hotel! It is already a pleasure for me, an acquaintance to be invited but when i got to know how much she paid for each person; my jaws dropped to the floor! Will anyone ever believe me that I only met this down-to-earth Diva once in 07 at another Birthday party and she just randomly called to ask me for my address for her to snail mail the invite! such a Darling eh? Happy 21st Mumtaz!
With the sooo Gorgeous Birthday girl who turns 21!
Yup.. an ice sculpture! I know.. talking about raising the bar for my 21st Bday!
Food, Glorious Food! A North Indian FEAST fit for the ROYALTY!
Now, with my new personalized url, i'll be blogging religiously all over again! :)