Friday, November 28, 2008
whoever believe in miracles?
But then again, when am i not?
Well, i should be this time.
I have to pull out of my exchange programme since my courses cant match anymore since the courses i applied for are not available in the next semester.
And there is nothing anyone can do about it.
I lost like $320AU for administrative and what's more disheartening is the endless interviews and meeting course co-ordinators.. sheesh..
Now, i have to cancel my approved Leave of Absence for one whole damn semester and everything else that follows.
The question is, is that possible?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
firstly, i just recovered from a series of tormenting cough and hot fever.. yes.. since my last paper on 18 nov.. i just fully recovered! sheesh! My immune system totally disappoints me this time around! I had to miss out the post-exam-lunch with the random peeps! bleah!
So much things coming up and so much long gone..

Presenting the RatCatcher of Samarkhan and The Sheikh!
I felt that this was really convincing-makeup!
The Witch from Fairyland Idol looks rather adorable than wicked in anyway!
Two boys playing Morgiana and Ali Baba's Wife from Saint Andrew's which brought alot of valuable take-aways for me as an educator in the future.
Somehow, working in an all boys school together with the sensitivity issues concerning religious-based schools made me more aware of educational and instructional policies and pedagogies better than any AED modules combined! (the things that were taught to make us NIE-trained!)

Anyways, the two above photos are taken since it was.... my work of art! Viola! After so many performances, i managed to pluck the courage and pick up the brush to do make-up. Well, not bad i thought! right?
These two photos.. well.. they're the only two that i managed to take while we're backstage.. they are kinda significant to me.. coz.. as an audience we tend to have a certain standard after watching extravagant performance in theatres and all.. We tend to use them as benchmark and expects more after each show, but what really goes behind the curtain call: Cold sweat, anxiety, having costumes split and getting props repaired using the oddest alternatives! I find being the people behind stage to ensure the audience see nothing but the best is demanding and challenging but totally worth it. Those countless rehersals and runs with the wrecking sound system seems worth while after the kids run into the holding rooms shouting "We Did it!!" and doing our 3 cheers together.
here's to you Acropolis, for giving me this chance for such an enriching experience EVER!
"Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!"
Crocs Warehouse SALE at The Singapore Expo! i was one of the 3812846739189871920 million person there! Were you? haha.. Im not surprised if you were there but i didnt see you there coz i could hardly see my toes when i was in that high density area in the Eastern part of Singapore!

See what i mean? hahahaha..
First, a long winding queue of 90 mins to gain entry into the sales area. He brought his laptop which made us entertained for the time being.. it was interesting to see prepared Singaporeans to be with foldable stools and pocket size battery-operated fans. Kids who hardly understood what this is all about ran around and cant stop asking silly questions on what are they q-ing up for? haha.. well, for a pair usually about $98 was going as low as $25.. You dont need rocket science to figure why Singapore Expo was EXPLODING with SMART & WELL-INFORMED shoppers/croc-ers!
This was rather the most interesting thing for the day.. Singaporeans.. presenting Q-shopping! Hah! Basically There were like 200 people ahead of you before you hear KA-CHING! So, what happened is.. people either change their mind or simply give up upon reaching the 20 cash register available! so they just leave their sought after purchases along the queue. . or just lying around.. so.. people who were not satisfied with the size or colour or model they got simply just look down or around for the so-called rejected purchases. Talking about someone else's junk is the other's treasure! he got bored q-ing so.. he actually did this favour of hanging them up along the red q-tabs.. haha..
We had so much FUN rather than happy over the good deals we've got! ahah.. Now, that's what i call bonding Singaporeans.. SALE! I mean i'm sure you had that experience where you share purchases with someone you totally dont know just to enjoy rebates or better discounts (Buy 1 item 5% off, Buy 3 items, 25% off). :)
Ok.. Exams are finally OVER! but i can officially declare this semester.. a miss-a-ble one! I vowed to do my readings and tutorials but apparently.. i think my results are gonna be so crappy! Just saw nic's blog, i was looking forward to her entry on the $2 COE but she was updating on the results on 15 Dec! urrgghh!
anyway, $2 coe? wow.. The kia picanto doesnt sound so bad now to me.. Best time to buy a car but bad situation to afford a car!
Anyways, that aside.. hey i finally met Lenny and got some pre-engagement stuff ready for her engagement! weeheee.. The experience at Fatimah Mohsin to collect her engagement songket was interesting. I think they should do a sitcom on Bridal gallery since its so funny how some people parade their American/African American to-be like a prized trophy and how they tend to forget their own culture: Aurat( Islamic term for how a woman should dress) while trying to get their other half to adopt our conservative culture. ( ahh.. i rather not get into details and let those in the know handle this!)
I was rather shock when i stumbled upon some of my old friend's blog where they used to wear tudung once-upon-a-time but now.. they have piercings and tattoos.. well.. no offence cuz taking a modernist view, i find the intricate work of art in tattoo to be applaud, even i will be attending the tattoo exhibition at the Singapore expo in Jan 09! One thing that bugs me was that you shouldnt have persuaded, well forced(to not be polite!), me to wear just coz you were wearing then cuz it is kinda like pointless now.. well, who gets the last laugh(to not be polite!
Ok.. This is suppose to be a-feel-good blog ... dont go way outta topic Liyana!!
haha.. which reminds me.. if you were to call me with a question to ask.. trust me.. your intentions will be made forgotten as soon as i say "Hello!" Now, that is so liyana!
Ok.. Im off to attend Lenny's engagement and catch First Light at the Esplanade later! Blog again soon!