Greeted by the oh-so-very-eccentric lecturers and having a quick massage at JP2( for those east siders, the new Jurong Point is all HUGE and expanded!) to deal with un-study-able long hour breaks between lectures!
This semester is indeed a demanding one, with 73486347179 readings and should i add, an expensive semester too! Making it hard for me to stick to my resolutions!! But despite me ranting, i didnt whine and complain as much instead I laughed it off, scornfully of course! My MSN nick reads "Call me Wonderwoman if I survive this semester"... well, this is why..
Mon- 4 lectures with breaks in between but that doesnt make it any better!
Tuesday- Lectures will end till 0730.. oh coolness.. i leave the house at dark and return home very dark!
Wed- 0830- Eccentric Hour 101- My coursemates sure know why thanks to AAE233- Literacy!
Thurs- Tuition and Circuit Training at Amore
Friday-Only 1 Lesson in the morning and Doggie 101 at Stella's followed by Tuition
Saturday- Pri5-6 Mendaki tuition at Hougang Sec School
Sunday- 5 years -6 years old phonics class at Bukit Timah!
This is roughly how my week had been.. and sadly, I missed an old friend's wedding today due to work!

So here's Year 2 Semester 2...the only thing that keeps me going are my NIE friends...!! Oh I soo appreciate the rides home to Bukit Gombak from Nic's dad!! I mean Id trade anything to be in that 5.30 peak hour crowd at Boon Lay!!
Nic & Lala :)
Xuanie & Ms Leow :)

P.s: That's Him of course, waiting for his turn during his Inline Hockey training while Im doing some of my readings :)