looking at the date of my last entry was even more disheartening! like DUH.
this blog is almost obsolete! ka-pish!
Well, something really interesting must have happened/about to happen which is why this god damn lazy bum is typing away on her lappie..
Technically, that is my motivation to blog!
Unfortunately, I wont be able to attend the event that is to be held tomorrow cuz of work.. man.. the kids just ended their exams.. now that's gonna be a challenge to get them to do the comprehension excercise I have prepared for them.. anyways,
Pinkdot.sg will be held tomorrow, 16 May at Hong Lim Park.. and I'm gonna miss it! urrgghhhh..
The event is gonna be all pink! How prett-Ay! :) :)
It's basically a simple call for open-minded Singaporeans to come together to form a pink dot (Red & white(colours of Singapore) = Pink! Plus, We have pink ICs you know!) to just show our support to the freedom of (LGBT) lesbians, gays,bisexual and transgender to love.
I aint no homo-phobe neither would i be expecting a more than just Male/Female as an option in the gender category each time I fill in a form. But I just honestly feel that Who and How you love is your business, not mine. Yes, selfish and self-centred it may sound but that's the only sound way that you can embrace this issue. No doubt we manage to eliminate racial and religious discrimination on paper and on the surface but sometimes it is so deeply rooted in us that we cant help but ask of the victims/criminals' race and start passing stereotypes like putting them in a box! However, when it comes to sexual discrimination, it's not much of a difference, really. We all know the innuendo about sexual discrimination. How we snigger each time we see a transgender or even pass rude remarks about how they express their love in bed.. and yes, the list goes on... just like how we crack racist jokes and how even one can be racist to its own race( ehem!). We all laugh about it and it ends there. No racial riots nor tension. I dont think we should still base everything on the 21 July incident ( fyi: Racial riots that sparked in Singapore in the 60s) I mean that was the past before we were caught up with globalisation , economic recession ,outbreak of all of these weird unknown flu outbreak and the myriad of environmental issues that followed. Similar to freedom of LGBT to love. Let them love. Love is free, love makes people remain sane in this crazy world. These people may not have choosen this path given the treatment they get in society but you cant change or stop them from loving if it's within them. It's part of their orientation, make-up.

I feel that this metaphoric comic here depicts the scenario well, these LGBT form the minority while ignorance and fear seems to dominate it all represented by the big fat ugly giants! We may feel that transsexual is on the rise for that is what we fear , but isnt it seemingly on the rise due to the nature of society itself of being more open and less conservative. they may have been the population that existed long ago but it's only now that they're coming out of the closet due to the nature of the world being more receptive and open itself. Fear, we all fear what we do not know for it is natural instinct, as animals, we think of the harm something new poses in our ecological system. Ignorance, for how long more are we going to pretend these group of people do not exist and have the freedom to love? Till one of them exist within us, within our loved ones, family relatives and friends?