I'm so busy that Kylie Minogue's 25th November 2008 Concert reminded me that i'll be turning 21 in less than a month! ( not as excited as i was 5 months back!) \
Updates that makes me wanna just fast forward to get it OVER and done with!..WTH!
Well.. I have countless rehersals for the next two weeks to prepare for 4 performances!
St Andrew's, Xinghua and Bukit Timah Primary!
This is really interesting cuz collegues of mine would just ask me, " You are seriously gonna make this your full time job?"
And I just go speechless since Im left breathless by some of those monkeys!!
Some people are better of as friends, i mean acquaintance and NOT groupmates.
I'll just be politically correct to just put on a shirt that says " I have enough friends already."
Examssss... Urgghhh...
I know i shouldnt be complaining cuz i only have 4 papers but all 4 are just so effin demanding CAN?
Updates that makes me wanna smile like the guy in the SunKist Advertisement!
More work means more pay to fund my Aussie getaway come this Feb! Woohoo.. Then, I'll so called have my well-deserved break!
Well, even though my job's gonna be mentally, physically and emotionally demanding, I'd be ensured a job for 4 years upon graduation. Now, that i'm entering the Working Life, The issue of recession is REAL indeed.

Look at the above ad! I was a little frustrated that the snow ski class is fully booked! *Bleah*
But amusingly, I got a call to be reminded to turn up at 8.30 this Saturday! ahah!! I hope it's fun coz it sounds fun already!! yay Yay YAY!
Silly me, i was one of the early birds who signed up with my Gym Buddy, Stelllaaaaaaaaa!! HAHAHa.
yes, i know... Little things amuse little minds!( i heard you!)
After this trial snow ski session, i'll head to the esplanade for AVENUE Q!! Yipeee.. As to spark the birthday month thingy going on, he even got VIP tickets!!!
This is getting so good that i totally forgot about the hours of rehersals and exams!
The morning Prata breakfast with Stella n Nic at Alif's at Gombak should be a weekly thing! :) I'm a sucka for the Cheap Good Food idea and the overwhelmingly Melayu feeling!
Sunday will be.. DUH... MUGGING DAY! Starbucks.. here i come!
oh Damn. gtg.
Thursday, Friday pass me by quick for me to welcome the weekends!