The Saturday.
As you can tell by my squinting eyes, it was the early morning sun where Lala, my gym khaki and I hit Ngee Ann City for our Hi-Lo, KickBoxing and StretchFit exercise routine together with about 16438217381273761 Women to celebrate Women's Day out! The highlight would have been the BellyBlitz class right after all the Cardio which made me slip nicely into my Kebaya later that afternoon!
The earlier event was a Mother and child duo exercise routine which i find really cute! ( goodness, my shrinking vocabulary!)
When the winner was teased as to how did he end up in a women's event, the little boy said " Coz I love Women!" ahah.. Aint that Adorable!
Wont mind having some of these Romeo in my class when I start teaching!
12 Oct- Vaginal Monologue by Eve Ensler (R-18)

The monologues are basically a series of short skits telling different stories of women - of love, of sex, betrayal, relationships, empowerment, femininity. Well, he watched the original play in New York and told me all about it and I was as excited when i heard that the play was coming to Sg and given a local twist. ( Thankfully, for a newbie in the Art Scene, i was able to relate to it!)
I was moved by certain skits like that of Hair which involves an Indian woman's torment after her Brazilian Wax so as to save her marriage since her husband found hair to be unpalatable? (what a word!) Another interesting piece was Because He Liked to Look At It which is a nostalgic account of a traditional and conservative woman's sexual awakening who finds it such a taboo that each time she refers to her vagina, she would held her fingers to make a "V"sign! aha.. CLASSIC! Not to forget, The Coochie Snorcher that could, how the experience of an older woman that was shared to a young traumatized girl who was sexually abused in her early years was that able to find pleasure and love being a woman again! A female dominatrix account of giving up her job as a lawyer and find her job giving women pleasure HER Pleasure. A Malay Transsexual( definitely based on a true story!) sharing which left me dumbstruck intially but hell, i came out of the theatre much enriched and conscious.
A great finale on childbirth and tribute to Mothers defintely left an impression and will be ingrained in the audiences' mind for a long,long time.
meanwhile, as the Raya mood is slipping away.. here I am signing off.