Friday, December 26, 2008

Good-Bye 2008

Everyone will be writing in their 09 Resolutions around this time of the year.
So here's mine. . . .

I shall spare you details on the 08 reflections since looking back isnt the direction where I wanna head, I shall write about something forward, something happIER! :)

note: As abstract as it gets, happiness isnt just a word to be understood by reading off from a dictionary, but rather it's self-defined i.e. Only-your-own-definition-that-matters.

From the experiences Ive gone thus far, I realize that no one (esp, a paranoia like me!) can ever be happy unless I can learn to feel at peace with who I am and arent doubting myself. From the commited relationship jitters and anxieties to the episodes of being the nervous-wreck that I am(hopefully it will be a "I was" soon) , I feel that I am always weighed down in my life because of my own words, thoughts and feelings. Identifying my strengths and flaws is one thing, accepting it is another.

It came to a point where I have now learned that as of this moment,

I try to remind myself that if I engage in perfectionism, I am abusing myself.

Resolution no. 1

Embrace myself, flaws and all. Because Paranoia + Perfectionism leads to self-abuse and self-destruction( i think the latter is a little too extreme!)

Wake up Happy. Become a Pleasure Seeker. If not, is it worth the worry?
In detail..that would mean

-Making time to enjoy myself
-learning to relax when the going gets tough and challenging
-ignoring what other people think. (and of course, the devil in me!)
-accepting myself-and others-
-whine will get me to no where and no good! (repeat 848238183982989 times!)

Resolution no. 2:
Do myself a favour: Make an effort to look, eat,talk and be good so that I can feel good!

I need to bring up my immunity level since it has been heading down South lately. I must say, I have been taking my health for granted, being a full-fledge carnivore and the that-is-so-liyana saying of " Vegetables are good for you and bad for my tastebuds!" is no longer a Ha-Ha-Ha Matter indeed! I used to have this childish (now this is a Haha matter!) idea that since I NEED NOT take my BCG immunization in Primary 6 means that I have an immunity of a fully-loaded armed battalion! Thus, falling ill more than five times in 2008, after like 9 years, this notion no longer stands( it never did actually!) Hahaha!

So, more fruits and vegetables on my plate, please!

I'm gonna take the effort to dress up especially when im goin to school for just an hour of lesson!! Trust me, girls, i mean ladies, my idea of dressing up does not mean to doll up and trot in pretty painful heels, but actually to dress not like im going to head downstairs for a bowl of tau huey!
I guess Ive been a lil bless to have left my acne/zits/pimple in my teens but dat doesnt mean i should neglect my skin/facial care! Ive been pretty much one lazy bum when it comes to daily facial wash n all that as i did not want to be associated as a vain pot in my teens.. but i guess there is a great divide( just like the rich and poor!) between basic skin care and overly-vain. I havent been acting my age and dressing my age would kinda help especially when my job in a few years to come is very impressionable.

Resolution no. 3:
Get physical at least 3 times a week to make up for the twice a week of indulgence!
Sports is also part of my Things to Do List now. I remember having the 1377189081 excuses not to run back in college.. But now, I am such a gym rat( thanks to my great gym buddy Stella!) that running 2.4 is my kick start warm up! ( i know this aint a big thing.. but it is to me! haha) Please.. just because i wrote that, please do not expect to see a well-toned and slim me~! I still got a loooong way to go! I just want to be fit and have fun at the same time.Somehow, after each run, I feel really good, must be the endorphins i suppose or maybe the delusional mirror... hahaha..

Be it gym-ing or swimming, oh ya.. net4all will be every friday night(which means i just need to plan 2 other activites!) or even roller-blading! Maybe joing the Shape 09 run is a start..:)
I shall try to limit my sweet tooth cravings and junk food carbs reloads to twice a week.. yeah.. twice.. sounds realistic. haha..
Resolution no 4:
Be wiser by Saving smart & Shopping smart!
I never really had proper savings and this year I will be pay-less by mid-year and that certainly is alarming. I cant imagine asking my parents for money at the age of 21! Boo Hoo!! If shame has a photo definition, it will reflect a scenario of me asking my mum for pocket money!! arrgghhh!!

Please dont get me wrong, it is just that allowance/pocket money just ceased in my vocabulary since I turned 17 where i starting doing some tuition job to support myself.
Thus, each time I think of purchasing something I have to remind myself;

"Is this a want or a need?"

though the quirky saying, "When in doubt, buy it!" sounds so much better!

P.s: It doenst help if you enjoy watching The Fabulous Life on Mtv

Another thing in regards to money, would be setting aside some money each month to be used for upgrading myself(for my NIE/teacher friends reading this, this would mean my personal LDS!)

For example, by the time Im done with my school semester in late april, i wanna take up Mandarin classes. Why mandarin?

Well.. firstly, DUH..
secondly, I dont kinda like the fact that I struggle to pronounce Chinese names. I just feel that it is kinda rude to pronounce someone's name far from how it is ought to sound cuz it may change or humiliate the person's name. I have students who ended up laughing or getting annoyed each time i get their names or their classmate's name wrongly. And being trilingual can be pretty impressionable on this kids since that they would not dare to give a nasty comment in their mother tongue(cuz who knows Miss Liyana speaks Tamil too!)
I think when i learn a language, I become a child all over again, and in learning to talk, as i emulate and imitate the native's speeches all around me!

Enough Said~! Im definitely going to take up Hua Yi!
and that will make me start my "Liyana personal development fund" :)

Resolution no. 5
Family, Love & Friendships. Everything happens for a reason.

I have never gotten a father-daughter bonding very much every since my brother came along but somehow, now that i have a man in my life, i tend to relate him back to my dad. We had a couple of misunderstanding this 08, which sums to alot since it used to be the authoratative dad vs silent and submissive daughter all along.
Although I may not always agree with your opinions and your thinking, Im glad that you still want me to see the world the way you do. Thanks, Ayah.

Never in my wildest dream that I'd ever imagine meeting someone like him, not even close and not even once. Well, I owe it all to this photo above. :)

Dont be fooled by the zestful smile carved on my face! I remember throwing up buckets hours before that. It was my India trip last December, when almost half the team were heading back to Sg for Christmas, a few of us wanted to spend a white christmas in Nothern India but I was already down, i didnt even visit the Pink City, Jaipur because I was in my worst state of health ever~! I had the choice to follow the others back but something tells me to hold on and persist. I have come this far and I had this voice in my heart/head telling me to continue with my extended backpacking trip, and so I did. And there I was having this photo taken in Shimla... The photo looks like a postcard didnt it? Little did i know, that this was my road to....
It was technically love at first sight.. but it was for the snow-cap mountains not Me!

And with that , we talked, we met and happily ever after.

Thank you for coming into my life and being yourself, cuz that's why I always have a reason to fall in love over and over again..

Friday, November 28, 2008

whoever believe in miracles?

Im feeling Frustrated!
But then again, when am i not?

Well, i should be this time.
I have to pull out of my exchange programme since my courses cant match anymore since the courses i applied for are not available in the next semester.
And there is nothing anyone can do about it.

I lost like $320AU for administrative and what's more disheartening is the endless interviews and meeting course co-ordinators.. sheesh..

Now, i have to cancel my approved Leave of Absence for one whole damn semester and everything else that follows.
The question is, is that possible?

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Have i been neglecting this blog or what?

firstly, i just recovered from a series of tormenting cough and hot fever.. yes.. since my last paper on 18 nov.. i just fully recovered! sheesh! My immune system totally disappoints me this time around! I had to miss out the post-exam-lunch with the random peeps! bleah!

So much things coming up and so much long gone..
Well, before progressing.. let me just share what ive been up to before i M.I.A that is.. heez! Starting with the Happy backdates first, of coz!
Performance at Bukit Timah, Saint Andrew's, Guang Yang and GreenRidge was a BLAST! Yipeeeee!
ok.. some of the photos got a little mix up but the main idea is.. the costumes and make up look spectacular with the Acropolis team!

Presenting the RatCatcher of Samarkhan and The Sheikh!
I felt that this was really convincing-makeup!

The Witch from Fairyland Idol looks rather adorable than wicked in anyway!

Two boys playing Morgiana and Ali Baba's Wife from Saint Andrew's which brought alot of valuable take-aways for me as an educator in the future.

Somehow, working in an all boys school together with the sensitivity issues concerning religious-based schools made me more aware of educational and instructional policies and pedagogies better than any AED modules combined! (the things that were taught to make us NIE-trained!)

The finale was a large scale production involving all the CCA groups at The GreenRidge Musical which was on the last day of school where i happened to know that GreenRidge is also one of Singapore's biggest school too! Yup.. The SCHOOL is HUGEEEEE!!! I felt that i didnt skip any gym classes by running up and down to get things ready before the performance!

Anyways, the two above photos are taken since it was.... my work of art! Viola! After so many performances, i managed to pluck the courage and pick up the brush to do make-up. Well, not bad i thought! right?

These two photos.. well.. they're the only two that i managed to take while we're backstage.. they are kinda significant to me.. coz.. as an audience we tend to have a certain standard after watching extravagant performance in theatres and all.. We tend to use them as benchmark and expects more after each show, but what really goes behind the curtain call: Cold sweat, anxiety, having costumes split and getting props repaired using the oddest alternatives! I find being the people behind stage to ensure the audience see nothing but the best is demanding and challenging but totally worth it. Those countless rehersals and runs with the wrecking sound system seems worth while after the kids run into the holding rooms shouting "We Did it!!" and doing our 3 cheers together.

here's to you Acropolis, for giving me this chance for such an enriching experience EVER!

"Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!"

Crocs Warehouse SALE at The Singapore Expo! i was one of the 3812846739189871920 million person there! Were you? haha.. Im not surprised if you were there but i didnt see you there coz i could hardly see my toes when i was in that high density area in the Eastern part of Singapore!

See what i mean? hahahaha..

First, a long winding queue of 90 mins to gain entry into the sales area. He brought his laptop which made us entertained for the time being.. it was interesting to see prepared Singaporeans to be with foldable stools and pocket size battery-operated fans. Kids who hardly understood what this is all about ran around and cant stop asking silly questions on what are they q-ing up for? haha.. well, for a pair usually about $98 was going as low as $25.. You dont need rocket science to figure why Singapore Expo was EXPLODING with SMART & WELL-INFORMED shoppers/croc-ers!

This was rather the most interesting thing for the day.. Singaporeans.. presenting Q-shopping! Hah! Basically There were like 200 people ahead of you before you hear KA-CHING! So, what happened is.. people either change their mind or simply give up upon reaching the 20 cash register available! so they just leave their sought after purchases along the queue. . or just lying around.. so.. people who were not satisfied with the size or colour or model they got simply just look down or around for the so-called rejected purchases. Talking about someone else's junk is the other's treasure! he got bored q-ing so.. he actually did this favour of hanging them up along the red q-tabs.. haha..

We had so much FUN rather than happy over the good deals we've got! ahah.. Now, that's what i call bonding Singaporeans.. SALE! I mean i'm sure you had that experience where you share purchases with someone you totally dont know just to enjoy rebates or better discounts (Buy 1 item 5% off, Buy 3 items, 25% off). :)

Ok.. Exams are finally OVER! but i can officially declare this semester.. a miss-a-ble one! I vowed to do my readings and tutorials but apparently.. i think my results are gonna be so crappy! Just saw nic's blog, i was looking forward to her entry on the $2 COE but she was updating on the results on 15 Dec! urrgghh!

anyway, $2 coe? wow.. The kia picanto doesnt sound so bad now to me.. Best time to buy a car but bad situation to afford a car!

Anyways, that aside.. hey i finally met Lenny and got some pre-engagement stuff ready for her engagement! weeheee.. The experience at Fatimah Mohsin to collect her engagement songket was interesting. I think they should do a sitcom on Bridal gallery since its so funny how some people parade their American/African American to-be like a prized trophy and how they tend to forget their own culture: Aurat( Islamic term for how a woman should dress) while trying to get their other half to adopt our conservative culture. ( ahh.. i rather not get into details and let those in the know handle this!)

I was rather shock when i stumbled upon some of my old friend's blog where they used to wear tudung once-upon-a-time but now.. they have piercings and tattoos.. well.. no offence cuz taking a modernist view, i find the intricate work of art in tattoo to be applaud, even i will be attending the tattoo exhibition at the Singapore expo in Jan 09! One thing that bugs me was that you shouldnt have persuaded, well forced(to not be polite!), me to wear just coz you were wearing then cuz it is kinda like pointless now.. well, who gets the last laugh(to not be polite!

Ok.. This is suppose to be a-feel-good blog ... dont go way outta topic Liyana!!

haha.. which reminds me.. if you were to call me with a question to ask.. trust me.. your intentions will be made forgotten as soon as i say "Hello!" Now, that is so liyana!

Ok.. Im off to attend Lenny's engagement and catch First Light at the Esplanade later! Blog again soon!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Busy Busy Me

goodness.. im so busy right at this moment that i just decide to snap out of reality and blog a lil..

I'm so busy that Kylie Minogue's 25th November 2008 Concert reminded me that i'll be turning 21 in less than a month! ( not as excited as i was 5 months back!) \

Updates that makes me wanna just fast forward to get it OVER and done with!..WTH!

Well.. I have countless rehersals for the next two weeks to prepare for 4 performances!

St Andrew's, Xinghua and Bukit Timah Primary!

This is really interesting cuz collegues of mine would just ask me, " You are seriously gonna make this your full time job?"

And I just go speechless since Im left breathless by some of those monkeys!!



Some people are better of as friends, i mean acquaintance and NOT groupmates.

I'll just be politically correct to just put on a shirt that says " I have enough friends already."

Examssss... Urgghhh...

I know i shouldnt be complaining cuz i only have 4 papers but all 4 are just so effin demanding CAN?

Updates that makes me wanna smile like the guy in the SunKist Advertisement!

More work means more pay to fund my Aussie getaway come this Feb! Woohoo.. Then, I'll so called have my well-deserved break!

Well, even though my job's gonna be mentally, physically and emotionally demanding, I'd be ensured a job for 4 years upon graduation. Now, that i'm entering the Working Life, The issue of recession is REAL indeed.

Look at the above ad! I was a little frustrated that the snow ski class is fully booked! *Bleah*

But amusingly, I got a call to be reminded to turn up at 8.30 this Saturday! ahah!! I hope it's fun coz it sounds fun already!! yay Yay YAY!

Silly me, i was one of the early birds who signed up with my Gym Buddy, Stelllaaaaaaaaa!! HAHAHa.

yes, i know... Little things amuse little minds!( i heard you!)

After this trial snow ski session, i'll head to the esplanade for AVENUE Q!! Yipeee.. As to spark the birthday month thingy going on, he even got VIP tickets!!!

This is getting so good that i totally forgot about the hours of rehersals and exams!

The morning Prata breakfast with Stella n Nic at Alif's at Gombak should be a weekly thing! :) I'm a sucka for the Cheap Good Food idea and the overwhelmingly Melayu feeling!

Sunday will be.. DUH... MUGGING DAY! Starbucks.. here i come!

oh Damn. gtg.

Thursday, Friday pass me by quick for me to welcome the weekends!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Women-ly Weekend

Ah.. 11 and 12 oct was a Celebrating Women Weekend for me.:)

The Saturday.

As you can tell by my squinting eyes, it was the early morning sun where Lala, my gym khaki and I hit Ngee Ann City for our Hi-Lo, KickBoxing and StretchFit exercise routine together with about 16438217381273761 Women to celebrate Women's Day out! The highlight would have been the BellyBlitz class right after all the Cardio which made me slip nicely into my Kebaya later that afternoon!

The earlier event was a Mother and child duo exercise routine which i find really cute! ( goodness, my shrinking vocabulary!)

When the winner was teased as to how did he end up in a women's event, the little boy said " Coz I love Women!" ahah.. Aint that Adorable!

Wont mind having some of these Romeo in my class when I start teaching!

12 Oct- Vaginal Monologue by Eve Ensler (R-18)

Eve Ensler’s celebrated groundbreaking play was given a local flavour by director Loretta Chen, produced by Zebra Crossing.
The monologues are basically a series of short skits telling different stories of women - of love, of sex, betrayal, relationships, empowerment, femininity. Well, he watched the original play in New York and told me all about it and I was as excited when i heard that the play was coming to Sg and given a local twist. ( Thankfully, for a newbie in the Art Scene, i was able to relate to it!)

I was moved by certain skits like that of Hair which involves an Indian woman's torment after her Brazilian Wax so as to save her marriage since her husband found hair to be unpalatable? (what a word!) Another interesting piece was Because He Liked to Look At It which is a nostalgic account of a traditional and conservative woman's sexual awakening who finds it such a taboo that each time she refers to her vagina, she would held her fingers to make a "V"sign! aha.. CLASSIC! Not to forget, The Coochie Snorcher that could, how the experience of an older woman that was shared to a young traumatized girl who was sexually abused in her early years was that able to find pleasure and love being a woman again! A female dominatrix account of giving up her job as a lawyer and find her job giving women pleasure HER Pleasure. A Malay Transsexual( definitely based on a true story!) sharing which left me dumbstruck intially but hell, i came out of the theatre much enriched and conscious.

A great finale on childbirth and tribute to Mothers defintely left an impression and will be ingrained in the audiences' mind for a long,long time.
meanwhile, as the Raya mood is slipping away.. here I am signing off.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Aidilfitri 08'

What can I say.. i feel like Raya this year just pass me by like a Formula 1/ezlink( touch and go)
I was feeling sorry for my cousin who had to bring his econs notes to all the house visiting and the younger ones who were dead tired and have to go to school the next day. The timing this year for Hari Raya, isnt student friendly at all, i must say.

For once, I wasnt even so hyped up on what to wear especially when my brother realized his baju kurung was too short only on the morning of Raya! ( which, even my mom the seamstress cant do much to help!)

I didnt panic or anything( It's a miracle I tell you!!) and went to the closet to pick out something from yearssss back... to be exact 6 years back!

Heez.. i can still fit into a kebaya which i wore when i was 15!
Hari Raya 2002 at Grandma's Place

See! i even wore it for my Sec 4 Racial Harmony Day( gosh i miss my sec 4 buddiess!)

Finally, a shot taken just yesterday, 1st October 2008. At the EXACT same spot taken in 2002!

In a kiddy candid way, this shows the element in Hari Raya that touches me alot.

Seeking Forgiveness.

This year Raya was all about forgiving.. After all the emotional drama that went in the family since my grandfather was admitted to the hospital and given his condition now, we are greatful to still be a close-knit family.

The Haji Yusof's

(sadly, 4 more members were not in the picture)

To all celebrating Hari Raya, I wish you a Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin

Friday, September 26, 2008

Miss Liyana's TLRH (erm..The Little Red Hen)

It's already Friday and I just got back from work after a long tiring day at a school's performance
Im just so dead tired.
3 rehersals.
2 performance.
3 Different Primary Schools.
All in a four days! (in my recess week!!)

Well, complaints and grumblings aside, I actually achieve to prepare 90 kids for a part of two school production. BraVO!

Miss Liyana is in charge of The Little Red Hen in two schools!

Do you know the story, story, story?

Do you know the story of the Little Red Hen?

Little Red Hen, Little Red Hen,

So much to do when would it end?

Little Red Hen, Little Red Hen,

She got no help from her lazy friends!

Getting ready. 45 kids dolled up in 25 mins! yes, thanks to the HUGE brush!!
Rehearsing their finale song before they get on stage!!

One Good Luck Snapshot before the Performance

Joining the rest of their schoolmates in the hall with the Parents!


The initial plan for the recess week was to complete my Assignment, clean and paint my room and help mum bake the kuih for Raya.

Guess what? I can practically cancelled this "To-do" List and categorise this as "Things that were not done this week" List instead!

Ive certainly learnt alot throughout this entire week

The good, the bad and the ugly.

Like how cultured a school that includes prayers as part of an assembly can be..

How a big school with a myraid of resources would not be as conducive when the teachers are just unmotivated themselves.

How unreasonable parents can be when it comes to purchasing the needs of the students like for just 8dollars for a performance t-shirt but not mind speanding on their iphone and LVs.

How you'd tell the cab driver that you are trainee teacher when they ask for your occupation and they'd go on and on complaining about the education system and what are teachers doing when everyone in the class has private tuition?

yup.. all that in 4 days. .

I also realized that it is difficult to stick to the Perfectionist Me when I have to handle 45 kids at one go!

While some of them makes you wonder why do you even think being a teacher, there are others that make you realize you're cut for it! ( the latter usually comes when you least expect, well.. while the former all the time!!)

These happy things include my favourite cheeky and naughty monkeys!

And at the end of the day, they are not trying to bag an emmy so.. just let them have fun!

As much as I complain and grumble( it's only natural!), I must admit that Im glad to be doing Speech and Drama classes part-time before my actual teaching practice because Ive learnt to handle so many kinds of worst-case scenario, improvisation and you know what... Im VERY sure there is so so so so so much more for me to learn!

meanwhile, the painting of the room is postponed to next Raya i guess..

and i better just stick to what Im good at:just eating Raya munchies and guessing what it is called after taken the hundredth bite!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I guess it only takes one prank from you to turn my frown upside down!
Your trademark is my smile.


I never knew how vulnerable and unstable I can be... ( "Now she knows!"-friends/people who knows me!)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Reflection for this Raya

Yipee.. It's the much anticipated RECESS WEEK! and it's like a week before Raya! How nicely well planned the schedule is for us celebrating Raya!

Here I am blasting out Raya songs to get me into the festive mood coz i'm just so lazy to get my royal ass to clean my cluttered room! I cant even remember how many 847218719 times i cleaned my room but yet it is still in a mess.

Cluttered and random; i found a pair of goggles in my dressing table drawer! E gawddd..

Then, it hit me;
The mess in my room reflects the mess in my life.
yes, cluttered and random.

Well.. if you have noticed.. no updates about the Boyfriend..
Things have been pretty much complicated lately.. no, no not the one you indicate on Friendster. Jokes aside, cut the chase, all I can say
We're just waiting for the right time.
Time changes people.

i admit my past was kinda, okie, not kinda... more like VERY colourful... but that was my past isnt it? i left them for good... even if it or they catch up with me now, i have nothing to fear, coz i'm clean... n no, i won't go back... coz if i do, i have nothing to gain but everything to lose... n i choose to believe i m a pretty smart girl... - credits to lenny! :)

Likewise, I feel the same way.. after i revive my past last year, it just proves to be even disasterous.

I'm not getting all emo, but i learnt that it's not about being a bigger person or burying the past, The past is the past for a reason.
I learnt it the hard way last year right before Hari raya. It was more like the Christmas jingle, " Last Raya, I gave you my heart, the very next day you throw away" (If he is reading this, I would like to let him know that i appreciate that he totally disappear in my life.)
For I am happy to be with someone who is sincere now, even if it is complicated or not.

Ive been pretty much in my little hole, with the people that matters and that is enough for me.
I used to be that Social Butterfly who tries to please everyone but i guess my job is done.
Ive toned down..
yeah, like the saying "Priorities changes.."
I have no hard feelings or whatsoever towards these people, but I just hope that my decision of letting the past be the past be respected. Life goes on.

Let me be happy, the monday blues chaser that you can count on. Let's not make things complicated and the world will be a better place. I am grateful for the people who tried to advise me in life, to be a better person( crudely "Grow UP!") and that includes those not part of my tiny social circle now. Thanks for the memories.

Back to cleaning my closet!

P.s: My MSN's giving me so much problem and im just too lazy to download it again! hah

Friday, September 12, 2008

Docu Movie for The Blonde

Went to watch this movie yesterday and I must say it's REVOLUTIONARY. uh huh.. That's the word to use for such a big ambition by a big nation. I can recall some of the phrases that was used by the Crazy teacher, Li Yang who authoritatively the people in China in a mass lecture of millions i must say. There was this joke that if every person in China were to spit, Singapore would drown! anyways, the teaching of English language to the Chinese were to literally shove it down their throat like a bitter cough concoction since they were constantly reminded of the importance of English and the opportunities it promises.

There was this part of the movie that somehow moved me, when the people got so discouraged by the complexities of the English language and the rules governed such as grammar and pronunciation, the Educator, Li Yang actually made them all, all millions of them in a huge ass field to close their eyes and pledge, to recall their illiterate parents who have thier future depending on them, how they'd be left behind if they were not to tame their tongue to adopt the english language and how by learning this language will improve their standard of living and that of the country. He continued to tap on their filial piety and sense of rooted to China- without doubt we see hear that a country with a rich heritage and legacy runs deep such that they only need to be reminded and not to forcefully and artificially instill in them. To me, that was priceless.

I guess watching them learn English was the hilarious part of the show, the wrong uses of English and the atrocious spelling, something that we ARE guilty of too.

The Interesting Part:

It was interesting that prior the Olympics, it was a nation wide campaign to pick up English, to the extent where only cab drivers who pass the English proficiency test are allowed to drive during that period and out of the thousands that applied to volunteer to act as guides to patrol along roads to help the foreigners get around, only 200 made it. They were hardworking and hospitable people who took all the efforts to perpare for this event.

The Not So Interesting Part:

I wasnt any of the millions who actually catch the Olympics, not even through the live broadcast and shamefully, not even when TV Mobile was showing it. nyah nyah nyah My Bad..

anyway, just to share:
ever realize how something never occured to you until the subject/thing is relevant to you. like you never did care about GST package until you can actually qualify for it?
hah.. ok.. that's one personal example i must add!

so i was grabbing some pastry to break my fast at Sun Moulin at Isetan.
since the whole world seem to just left the office, everyone was grabbing FOOD, so that explains the long queue. I find that i was stepping forward with every pulse that i take and obviously i was very pleased with their service, so after paying at the counter where the Manager was at the cash register,

Manager: So sorry for the wait.
Me: Oh it's ok *smiles*
After packaging and paying and he hand over to me the plastic,
Me: Thank you for being so effecient.

Ok. I dunno why but
1. maybe it was too noisy for him to hear what I said
2. he was having a long day

But he had this peculiar look on his face, something like the expression you had when someone just passed a sarcastic remark in your face.

Me: feels awkward and scurried away wishing that I could have just said a
T.H.A.N.K Y.O.U.
That is SOOO Pragmatics! ( a module in Linguistic I'm currently struggling with.. as seen from the above example!)

a month back, when i was M.I.A, I went to catch Hungry Ghost as well.

It's kinda too late for me to rattle all about it coz it's already sometime back. But in a nutshell, I must say I can finally stop dismissing the Getai show and understanding why so many things just isnt the same during this period of time especially when my Night Owl Chinese khakis will be so "pantang" about everything , like coming home early! hah!

Rather than drawing henna, playing chapteh/weave ketupat and Chinese calligraphy , isnt the idea of screening such shows be more practical since people fear or condemned what they dont know and dont understand. I mean these are more REAL issues and something that promotes understanding right? I do enjoy the performance and play dress up but why not make it practical at the same time.


I aint turning into some square and dorky person, I did catch " Forgetting Sarah Marshall" HAh!

My Conclusion on that one:

1.Honeymoon to Hawaii is a MUST

2. Blondes, especially with no sense of taste in men's clothes are not worth your tears!

3. There are such things as Happy Tissues and Sad Tissues. ( Thy shall not elaborate on this!)

Monday, September 8, 2008

the three silly insignificants that bugged me today!

number 1. Why cant the lecturers put in a little more effort in their lessons/delivery..
I guess that's why they call them lecturers and not teachers..

number2. I cant remember where I was exactly, neither did I remember where I heard this from.. but it sure bugs me..

"You can call me Beautiful. That's beautiful with the double L"

which mean FULL as in FULL of herself..

what i felt like telling her was

"How about Beautiful with the double O, BeautiFOOL?"


number3. I saw this shirt on SGFlea and I went "I NEED THIS SHIRT!"

So i IMMEDIATELY contact the seller.. and guess whatttt.. she forgot to update and it's ALREADY SOLD!!! arrggghhhh..

I went to the Forever 21 webbie and nope.. this shirt is outta stock! Arrgghh

Like i said.. all this insignificants to bug me on a Monday!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Guess who's Back?

Yup.. i pulled another disappearing act i suppose.. lol..
simply coz i got annoyed by everything around me having the -licious!
well.. at least b'coz of this one; i actually revamp my whole bloggie!
Voguelicious- Singapore's Male Pussycat Dolls

I dont have issues with them simply coz i find them entertaining.

And in this context, we screw the ethical/homophobe and all the goose-bumps for the sake of pure entertainment! Come, on.. We have too many people hating each other now.. where is the love people? :)
anyways, after giving it some thought, i decided to dismiss that url and change it to something that i hear almost everyday! I mean.. each time i make some sorta remark, i'd just be hearing the ever-so-famous "That is just so you!" hah! and.. taadaa.. this is the story of how came about!


Yipee.. I just had my moral education presentation.. Man.. I'm done with one of my module ALREADY?
4 more modules to go and I'm off to Queensland!
Come to think of it..
How will i cope with the lecture/tutorial system there?

Will I have any friends there? (I know i'm gonna miss my friends here!)

Hah.. will i get to study under the shady tree in the park?

If you do it here in Sg, people either think you're a bio doing fieldwork or you're just plain crazy!

On the surface, it sounds like FUN FUN FUN which is what i initially thought so, but i'd probably need to take extra modules in my year 3 since my curriculum studies may not match that to The Singapore Context, So i'd probably just take Linguistics courses when I'm in UQ. Going up and down Foundation Programme Office has been really frustrating, having to meet so many course coordinators to match my modules, whoa.. it comes with a lot of hard work too! And just when i thought, it's all settled, I'd just receive an email and I have to start doing all the administrative work all over again.

But hey, I aint complaining coz this was something I initiated, I want out of my own will. So, i just gotta bear with it till Feb 2009 where my school terms starts.


It's the fasting month so Amore's suspended! boo-hoo..

Actually,that is the reason why i dont blog as often! Too tired, I guess.

It's really GREAT to be back into some physical activity which does not just include climbing the stairs! lol.

It also makes me have some me-alone time, which is what i really need!

Since my last two major hiccups, (recalling: Fainting after Cross-Country at MacRitchie in 03 and asthma attack in YJ after my 2.4 in 05') I have ditched my running shoes and brightly coloured sports bra, swearing never to be caught dead in any of em'.

But now, I wanna set a goal for myself : Enter The Shape Run 2009 or any of those Run, not to win but to participate. I mean, it will just mean alot to me, what more if My Best Friends and girlfriends can gladly join me *hint hint* :)
Anyways, a couple of Saturdays back i attended a friend's 21st birthday party at Swiss Hotel! It is already a pleasure for me, an acquaintance to be invited but when i got to know how much she paid for each person; my jaws dropped to the floor! Will anyone ever believe me that I only met this down-to-earth Diva once in 07 at another Birthday party and she just randomly called to ask me for my address for her to snail mail the invite! such a Darling eh? Happy 21st Mumtaz!
With the sooo Gorgeous Birthday girl who turns 21!
Yup.. an ice sculpture! I know.. talking about raising the bar for my 21st Bday!
Food, Glorious Food! A North Indian FEAST fit for the ROYALTY!
Now, with my new personalized url, i'll be blogging religiously all over again! :)